Study Abroad
Album 1: September, 2010
I arrive to Hirakata-shi and stay in the dorms for the first week of orientation. I have 2 other roommates, one from Wisconsin and one from Australia! We have the welcome party at Kansai Gaidai and then afterwords go on an adventure to Kyoto. We go see Kyoumizu temple with a group of Japanese students from our university. That week we also visit Sweets Paradise with our speaking partners, Universal Studios Japan and I meet my friend Mai. We enjoy some purikura together!
Album 2: September-October, 2010
I have started classes and our group of friends walk to the university. I have moved into my host-family's house, but often visit my friend's seminar house and we have pancake parties! We also go out and do karakoke along with delicious parfaits! We also visit the Spa House for the first time! My host brother and my friends go out one night. My friend Mai and I find the orthodox church of Osaka. My mom comes to Japan.
Album 3: October, 2010
My mom stays with me in my host family's house and we go on many adventures to local shrines and temples. We see Osaka castle at night. We spend a lot of time eating and also visit the Spa House with my friends. My host family takes her to Nara.
Album 4: October, 2010
Mom visits Nara, we go to an all-you-can-eat gyoza restaurant, before mom leaves hot pot dinner with host family, go out with friends, sushi and steak with another friend.